Thursday, November 5, 2015

Today is a "work around the house" sort of day. So far I have the dishwasher running, the kitchen floors swept, and that piece that sits under the stove burner soaking in soapy water (I have a bad habit of spilling things down there). Right now I am taking a break because my back is simply killing me today, but soon I will get back up to mop the floor, clean off the counters, and wipe the counters down. My aim is to have the kitchen 100% clean between today and tomorrow... and the apartment 100% how I want it by the end of the year. Yes, I have lived here since March of last year, but I still have unpacked boxes and bags of stuff to go out to the trash. My health problems have made this a super crazy slow job, but I can't live like this anymore.

So, the kitchen is just job one. Then I will work on the dining room, then the living room, guest bath, my bedroom and bath, and finally the second bedroom. For now, the second bedroom will be sort of a "storage" room as I go through the other rooms. Plus, the closet of the second bedroom has boxes of Christmas decorations and the like that I have to go through so it will be the longest job.

Also on my plate for today is to work on my grocery lists for the next 2 weeks, my meal plan for the last 2 weeks of the month, and to looking up recipes for in season vegetables, beans, and lentils. I make a larger trip on the weeks I get my biggest paychecks out to Market District and get things like meats for the next two weeks and stuff that will last for the two weeks. Then the other weeks I just head to Kroger to grab the fresh stuff for those off weeks.

Speaking of my meal plan, here is what I have planned for the next week and a half.
Tonight: Leftovers
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Hot ham and cheese sandwich, fruit, and chips
Sunday: Roasted chicken legs, potatoes, and carrots
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Meatless hash and eggs
Wednesday: Vegetarian Lasagna
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Meatball subs, roasted potatoes

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Huh... I forgot about this thing

So, it appears that I totally forgot that I had this blog and it's been sitting here all alone for a few years now. I was trying to make a new one when Blogger told me my email already existed! Which was a bit of a shock for me as I had no idea I had started one. Since I found it though, I am thinking I may try to pick it back up. It won't be a daily thing, but I am hoping to update twice a week when I have time.

The blog will also change focus a bit from what it was at the start. It will still be about food a lot of the time including meal plans, recipes, photos, and fun finds at the store but I want to do even more. It will be used to help raise awareness for some health problems I have been diagnosed with. I will be posting exerts from my novels and short stories. There will be stuff about places I am finding as I explore my new city and when I travel. Plus, there will always be random fun stuff because life has a way of throwing curve balls in your direction.

So here we go (again)!